Biblical Theology between Apologetics and Criticism

Öffentlicher Abendvortrag

In this lecture it will be will argued that biblical theology needs to be more critical of biblical values, even as a matter of inner-biblical criticism. The prophets and Jesus were more fiercely critical of the tradition than any modern biblical theologian would dare to be. There are many things in the Bible, however, that conflict with core biblical principles of love of God and neighbor. The foundational story of the conquest of Canaan is an example.

John J. Collins (*1946) is Holmes Professor of Old Testament Criticism and Interpretation at Yale University. Among his main fields of research are the Dead Sea Scrolls, the confrontation of Judaism and Hellenism and historical criticism in theology. Recent books of Professor Collins include „Encounters with Biblical Theology“ (2005), „The Bible after Babel. Historical Criticism in a Postmodern Age“ (2005) and „Beyond the Qumran Community. Sectarian Communities in the Dead Sea Scrolls“ (2009).

Moderation: Professor Dr. Stefan Beyerle

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