Ecological and evolutionary aspects of animal gut microbiomes and their effect on our everyday life

Öffentlicher Abendvortrag

Relationships between gut microbial ecosystems and their vertibrate hosts have been shown in recent years to play an important role in the well-being and proper function of their hosts. In my lecture I will discuss some of the recent findings regarding such ecosystems stability, development and interaction with the host.
Itzhak Mizrahi is currently Associate Professor at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel and acts as an associate editor in Microbiome journal. He received his Ph. D. in microbiology at the excellent students program of Tel Aviv University and did his postdoctoral research at the Technion in Israel. He was introduced to gut microbiomes in 2010 when he was accepted as a PI (principal investigator) at ARO (Agricultural Research Organization) – Volcani Center focusing manly on the rumen microbial ecosystem. His research group is currently involved with understanding the fundamental process affecting gut microbial community structures and horizontal gene transfer in the various gut ecosystems.

Moderation: Professor Dr. Dörte Becher

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